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Infor LX Tips, Infor LN Tips, BPCS Tips, Baan Tips, Infor M3 Tips & Infor ERP News

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Infor ERP Tips & News from the Experts

Infor LX | Infor LN | BPCS | Baan | Infor M3

Infor ERP Tip: Top 5 Ways Modern Analytics Reduces Spreadsheet Risk & Inefficiency

Infor LX | BPCS | Infor LN | Baan

Crossroads RMC 0 15344 Article rating: 5.0

Spreadsheets are often the tool of choice for many organizations to store and arrange information for financial planning, analytics, compliance, and more. Ironically, for many business processes that involve managing data, it creates the exact opposite effect––silos of information and inefficiency. And because it stores organizational data in a readily sharable way, there is a high risk of exposing confidential information.

Read this Infor best practice guide to discover the top five business processes that a modern data and analytics architecture can automate and deliver far more value than spreadsheet-driven techniques.

Infor Best Practice Guide: 5 Ways Modern Analytics Reduces Spreadsheet Risk and Inefficiency

Infor LN & Baan Tip: Cost Component Setup

Kathy Barthelt 0 13675 Article rating: 5.0

To break down an item’s standard cost, sales price, or valuation price, use cost components. With cost components, you can compare estimated and actual costs, calculate production variances, and analyze costs in Standard Cost Calculation.

If cost components are set up in a detailed way, detailed records...

Manual Processes Are Killing Your Productivity

Infor LX | BPCS | Infor LN | Baan

Crossroads RMC 0 11967 Article rating: 5.0

Nearly 70% of workers say that the biggest opportunity of automation lies in reducing time wasted on repetitive work.

Which repetitive tasks would workers most like to see automated? A recent study by McKinsey Global Institute found that there are three productivity killers that workers are eager to automate:

  1. Data Collection: Eliminate human error and manual data entry by automatically collecting, uploading, or syncing data into a system of record (55%).
  2. Approvals: Become more efficient by automating approvals, sign-offs, and confirmation requests (36%).
  3. Updates: Reduce wasted time by automatically requesting status updates and other information (32%).

Workers believe that automating these tasks will reduce wasted time (69%), eliminate human error (66%) and recover hours lost to manual, repetitive tasks that could be automated (59%).

Too expensive you say? Too big of an effort to make it happen?  Not necessarily...

Infor LX & BPCS Tip: Hold Status - Customer Orders

George Moroses 0 10870 Article rating: 5.0

How do I know which orders are on hold? – Pick Release / Pick Confirm

Orders that are on credit hold, customer hold, user hold, margin hold, credit card hold, or pricing hold cannot be selected for Pick Release or Pick Confirm. The ORD952B, Orders Not Selected Report, can be requested at Pick Release or Pick Confirm to list any order that would normally qualify for selection, but has been excluded for other reasons, and to print that reason. ORD952B has been modified to validate the hold status of the original customer order, instead of the intercompany automation warehouse order that is being processed, and to print a reference to the original customer order along with the reason.

Collaborate IN-PERSON With Infor LN Users

LN North America User Group - Face-to-Face 2022 (

Kathy Barthelt 0 12323 Article rating: 5.0

Exciting News - LN North America User Group Annual Meeting is Face-to-Face in 2022! (

Crossroads RMC is proud to sponsor the LN North American User Group Annual Meeting on April 19 & 20, 2022 in Columbus, Ohio.

Are you ready to collaborate IN PERSON with other Infor LN (ERP LN) customers? Would you like a chance to speak to Infor team members in Product Development, Product Management, and Software Development?

Then this FREE event is for you! 2 Full Days of learning sessions, customer stories, discussion groups, and networking. Join us!

To Register →

Infor LN & Baan Tip: Project Status Options

Kathy Barthelt 0 13814 Article rating: 5.0

Ever wonder what the implications are of choosing one project status versus another?

Here is the explanation of project status possible values:

You can carry out project engineering. This means that you can:

  • Define the project master schedule (PMS) by using the Project Control module.
  • Maintain the project structure.
  • Maintain the customized product structure by using customized bills of material and routing sheets.
  • Carry out project estimating.

You simulate the rough capacity requirements planning...

Infor LX & BPCS Tip: How Items Are Selected for a Cycle Count

George Moroses 0 10385 Article rating: 5.0

The Cycle Counting Sub-System Within Inventory Management

The system uses the following information as the basis for cycle counting selection:

  • Cycle Counts/Year: The system calculates the time between cycle counts based on your entry in this Item Master file field for each item (optional).
  • Last Cycle Count Date: This date is in the Location Inventory file, ILI, if you use locations, or in the Warehouse Inventory file, IWI, if you don't.

The system adds the time between cycle counts (calculated as described above) to this date. If the result is less than or equal to today's date, the item is selected for cycle counting. If it is greater than today's date, the item is not selected, it is not due yet for cycle counting.

There is another special condition that causes an item to be selected for cycle counting. If the ILI/IWI record of the item has a Y in the Cycle Flag field, the item is selected automatically. This flag indicates that the item's on-hand balance has gone to a negative value sometime since the last cycle count. That applies even if the value is not negative at selection time. The programs that can set this field are INV500D, INV510, and BIL540.

You can also limit the items selected for counting by specifying limits of the item numbers or warehouses to be searched.

Mitigating Risk With Your Infor ERP

Infor LX | BPCS | Infor LN | Baan

Crossroads RMC 0 12177 Article rating: 5.0

MARCH… "in like a lion and out like a lamb"

Problems = Risk

Boy, it sure seems like we’ve seen our fair share of March “LIONS” over the past few years, wouldn’t you agree? Those lions have manifested mostly as external global problems outside of the control of any given person or manufacturing operation. As we know, problems = risk.

So, how do businesses respond to risk, specifically when it comes to their ERP system? We all deal with risks in our jobs every day. It is our response to the risk that makes all the difference. Creating short-term, midterm, and long-term response strategies ensure that a company can not only handle a fast-changing situation or emergency but also make the investments needed to seize opportunities and become more resilient.

To create these response strategies, manufacturers should examine:

  • How did we get here?
  • Where are we now?
  • Where are we headed?
  • What to do about it?

In order to really dig into each of these areas, our customers have successfully partnered with us to review a particular part of their business that they feel is at risk and sometimes have asked us to review everything…soup to nuts. This review is done through an ERP Utilization Review. In this review, we can dig into such things as...


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

Get ahead of the curve with a seamless, comprehensive integration strategy that surpasses other competitive solutions. In part two of this webinar, join our discussion of best practice integration tricks and solutions from a fellow customer’s office of finance. Understand what makes their integration approach effective and review best practices in integrating your IBM i solution to other office of finance solutions (F9/EPM/Birst/GRC).

Hosted by Peg Tuttle from the IBM i podcast, “The Incredible i Show”. 

  • How version upgrades have tightened internal control loopholes.
  • Structural IBM i advancements designed to safeguard your organization.
  • IBM i ecosystem solutions that strengthen both data and access vulnerabilities.

Don't miss this fourth fireside chat, Eight Ways to Modernize your IBM i product – Topic #3 of 8: Best practices in integration for the office of finance (Part 2). Register today!

Register today!

Did you know that you can set up one-time vendors in LX? One Time Vendor (1,A): Specify Y to indicate that this vendor is a one-time vendor. Otherwise, could you specify N. The system removes a one-time vendor's information from the Vendor Master file after all transactions are reconciled. If this vendor already exists as a one-time vendor, you can specify N to change the vendor to a regular vendor.


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Tips: LN | Baan

Kathy Barthelt

Infor LN & Baan Materials Tips: Serialized and Lot Controlled Items

Serial and Lot are additional characteristics/properties of Items that can be used to uniquely or collectively identify and track the item along with its Item code. Any Item can be made as Serialized and/or Lot controlled by choosing options "Serialized" and "Lot Controlled" in Items-General session under traceability section on the Details tab.

Further in Items-Warehousing data under the Identification tab, you can enable "Lot Tracking", "Lot in Inventory", "Serial Tracking" and "Serial in Inventory" which enables tracking of the Items. You can also define if the Item is "Serial/Lot not in inventory" then where you want to record the serial and lot details in the transactions like "Direct Delivery", "Receipt", "Transfer", "Register during As-Built, Service and Maintenance".

Below are some topics related to Serialized and Lot Controlled Items that will be useful:

Convert non-Serialized Item to Serialized and non-Lot Controlled item to Lot Controlled and Vice Versa

If Item is created as non-Serialized and/or non-Lot controlled... To change them to Serialized or Lot Controlled, here are some standard Sessions that can be used:

1.Convert (to) Serialized Item (whltc5201m000) can also be accessed from Item-Serials and Warehouses session's Specific Menu.

Note: Once Item is marked or converted as Serialized, it is not possible to revert the item to non-Serialized Items using this session. If any Item has to be converted to non-Serialized, then some Knowledge articles are available to show workaround steps.

2. Convert (to) Lot Item (whltc1202m000) can also be accessed from Item-Lot session's Specific Menu.

Related KB Articles:

2121795 - Item non-Serialized (Not Serial In Inventory) to Serialized (Serial In Inventory) Conversion.
692338 - Is it possible to convert a Serialized Controlled Item into a Not Serialized Controlled Item?
2057953 - Unable to convert a Lot Item to Serialized Item.
723772 - Blocking Message when Trying to Change a Non-Serialized Item to a Serialized Item.
1960873 - Register Serial Issue During As-Built Automatically Set after Converting to Serialized Item.
1134182 - Convert Item to Lot Controlled.
2084394 - Not able to convert Not Lot Controlled Item to Lot in Inventory.
1634725 - Procedure to covert (to) Lot Item (WHLTC1202M000) without using mask.
1009296 - Convert to LOT Item triggered multiple lot numbers. What is the logic behind?
1968968 - Lot Price Not Set after Conversion from Not Lot Controlled to Lot Controlled.
1852794 - Change Lot Type of an Existing Lot.
1634723 - How to enable "Lot" field in the session "Convert (to) Lot Item (whltc1202m000)".

Previous Article Infor LN & Baan Tip: Can You Backflush An Item If Estimated Quantity is Zero?
Next Article Infor LN & Baan Tip: Latest Porting Set – All Versions of Infor LN & Baan
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Kathy Barthelt

Kathy BartheltKathy Barthelt

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