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Infor LX Tips, Infor LN Tips, BPCS Tips, Baan Tips, Infor M3 Tips & Infor ERP News

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Infor ERP Tips & News from the Experts

Infor LX | Infor LN | BPCS | Baan | Infor M3

Infor LX & BPCS: Waste in Manufacturing

George Moroses 0 12947 Article rating: 5.0

What if you could eliminate waste and optimize your business for $5/day?

Crossroads MES (Manufacturing Execution System) captures all of your ERP production data and harnesses the power of that data to increase your team’s efficiency by providing the right information at the right time to the right people. 

Reducing waste enables manufacturers to save money and increase productivity.
Where is the waste happening in your processes? How often is your department spending time and resources on the following tasks?

Infor LX & BPCS: Why You Need MES

George Moroses 0 18093 Article rating: 5.0

You know your plant better than anyone, and most likely you'd admit that there is room for improvement. Perhaps too many defects are causing costly issues down the road, or maybe your production is behind and orders are shipping late? Do you know what needs to be improved? Do you know about the root causes of the problems that you’re experiencing? Is it fair to say, you don’t know what you don’t know … yet?

MES helps you dig into the problem and better yet, SOLVES the problem!

What Is MES and How Does It Work?

Many companies still enter data manually or share work instructions on paper. Most of them, however, know there’s a better way to organize the mass of activity happening on the plant floor. MES provides visibility to that activity as well as the underlying data and uses that data to improve how that activity is done and makes it repeatable. MES connects multiple sites, integrates with equipment, and raises the effectiveness of business applications all to better optimize operations.

The 3 Pillars of MES:

  1. Establishing a plan and staying on schedule...

LX User Group Event: Infor Partner Spotlight | Crossroads RMC

Tuesday, May 10 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET

Crossroads RMC 0 14080 Article rating: 5.0

LX User Group Event

Tuesday, May 10 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET
Infor Partner Spotlight | Crossroads RMC

Come hear recent success stories with Crossroads RMC's software MES Ultimate, Analytics Dashboard, and Avalara's interface, along with consulting services that focus on a joint upgrade and MES project with Infor.

Register now →

Infor LX & BPCS: Explore IDF Programs

George Moroses 0 16508 Article rating: 5.0

IDF (Infor Development Framework) configures your view of the application data without modifying the core application and its supportability. In version 8.3.4 and higher, IDF programs provide the replacement for most of the 300 series inquiry programs. Starting with version 8.4, Infor has added 100 series maintenance programs such as Item Master, Vendor Master, and Customer Master. With IDF, navigation drill-downs are far superior to any green-screen presentation of the data.

Included with IDF are several interfaces including:...

Infor LX & BPCS: Waste in Manufacturing

George Moroses 0 15279 Article rating: 5.0

In manufacturing, waste is anything that doesn’t add value to or benefit the end customer. Reducing waste enables manufacturers to save money and increase productivity. Where is the waste happening in your processes?

How often is your department spending time and resources on the following tasks?...

Top 10 Things You Might Not Know About Crossroads RMC

Crossroads RMC 0 20325 Article rating: 5.0
  1. Crossroads RMC has been in business since 1984 & has been an  partner since 1991. 
  2. Crossroads RMC offers functional & technical training on all versions of Infor LX, BPCS, Infor LN, and Baan and will completely tailor the training to your specific needs. 
  3. Many of our consultants are 🎵 musically inclined, so you might have the added benefit of some entertainment while your ERP problems are being solved!
  4. Our consultants have expert level functional & technical knowledge of every version of Infor LN & Baan from Triton 2.X through LN 10.7., and Infor LX & BPCS from BPCS 3.0 to LX 8.4!  💡
  5. Crossroads RMC is a value-added reseller of data collection equipment (mobile computers, printers, RFID equipment, and more).
  6. Our headquarters are just outside of Chicago, but for some silly reason, our East Coast staff thinks they have the best pizza.🍕
  7. Our integration specialists have developed close to 50 different integrations to Infor LN, Baan, Infor LX & BPCS.
  8. Crossroads RMC offers 24 X 7 support to all of our customers. 💪
  9. Our technical consultants have developed many Infor ERP software add-on solutions like MES, Data Collection, an Analytics Dashboard, FedEx / UPS integration, and more that are used by thousands of Infor users every day.
  10. We’ve been publishing Infor LN, Infor LX, BPCS, and Baan tips & tricks since February 2010, and most are still available on our website, with new ones being added every other week!

How Do I Determine If MES Is Right For My Business?

George Moroses 0 28865 Article rating: 5.0

There are certain key questions that must be answered to determine whether or not an MES system would benefit your organization: 

  • How do you analyze OEE?
  • Is there an opportunity to reduce WIP inventory, indirect labor, downtime, waste or scrap?
  • What is the cost and impact of producing and distributing shop paper including drawings and work instructions?
  • Would you like to go paperless on your shop floor?
  • How are your continuous improvement initiatives tied to your ERP?
  • Is Management requesting real time production status reporting via dashboards or drilldown reports?
  • What different “islands of automation” exist on your shop floor?

The answers to each of these questions could have a significant impact on the profitability of your business. Want to quantify your results? Contact George Moroses today to schedule your FREE MES ROI Analysis.


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

FINANCE: Prevent Voiding of Selected Invoices
This enhancement prevents users from voiding invoices after they have been selected for payment. If a user selects an invoice for payment and another user voids the invoice during the payment process, it can produce erroneous and duplicate records. The ACP500 programs were modified to check the status of an invoice before it can be voided. If the invoice has been selected for payment, a message is generated, and the invoice cannot be voided.

OPERATIONS: Copy Shop Order
In the Shop Order Selection program, action 3=Copy is available. This action allows copying any shop order except for flow orders or campaign orders. Instead of copying from the parent item's bill of material and routing, the new shop order’s materials and operations will be copied from the selected shop order. Note that if the existing shop order is linked to a customer order or line, this linkage will not be copied to the new shop order.

TECHNOLOGY: Group Security for ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance
Add function key / action code security to control who is authorized to create/revise/delete functions in ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance.  With added Group Security, managers can control which users are authorized to create, change and delete deliveries in ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance.

This enhancement prevents users from voiding invoices after they have been selected for payment. If a user selects an invoice for payment and another user voids the invoice during the payment process, it can produce erroneous and duplicate records. The ACP500 programs were modified to check the status of an invoice before it can be voided. If the invoice has been selected for payment, a message is generated, and the invoice cannot be voided.


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Tips: LN | Baan

FINANCE: Can accounts receivable invoices be uploaded into LN using Excel?
Yes, this is possible, by following the steps below:

1. Maintain a batch

2. ....

OPERATIONS: MPS Planned vs. MRP Planned
When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

Master Scheduled Items:

TECHNOLOGY: Are you running the latest Infor components?
Always good to stay on top of new releases for your various Infor components. Here is a list of knowledge base articles that you can check for the components listed below:

When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

  • Master Scheduled Items:

    • Master Scheduled Items are typically finished goods or service items.
    • These items receive their requirements from both Independent and Dependent demand sources.
  • Independent Demand:...

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