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Infor LX Tips, Infor LN Tips, BPCS Tips, Baan Tips, Infor M3 Tips & Infor ERP News

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Infor ERP Tips & News from the Experts

Infor LX | Infor LN | BPCS | Baan | Infor M3

Unlocking the Full Potential of Your LX/BPCS Investment - Embrace the Cloud for Enhanced Connectivity

George Moroses 0 4632 Article rating: 5.0

At Crossroads RMC, we understand that our clients are fiercely loyal to Infor LX/BPCS because of its breadth of capabilities, reliability, and efficiency. Simply put, it stands as an indispensable tool for your business operations.

Thanks to our new partnership with Aleran Software, we’ve made it easy and affordable to extend your LX/BPCS investment with a suite of modern, cloud-based sales tools, including:

  • Aleran Software Mini DemoCustomer/Dealer Portal Capabilities: Empower your customers and dealers with intuitive portal access.
  • Streamlined CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote): Simplify complex configurations and pricing processes.
  • Efficient Sales Order Management: Centralize all cart activities, quoting, and sales orders for seamless operations.
  • Sales-Focused PIM (Product Information Management): Store vital sales-driving information for enhanced decision-making.
  • Flexible Buying Sites: Offer unlimited buying sites tailored to customer or dealer preferences, complete with customizable price points.
  • Integrated Catalog and Tech Manual Buying: Facilitate integrated buying directly from existing catalogs and technical manuals.

With a modern, cloud-based deployment, Crossroads RMC can help you remove the risk and eliminate the headaches that come from traditional cost-prohibitive builds and months-long integrations. We can help you put your customers at the center of a multi-channel sales strategy with curated sales experiences, personalized promotions, and out-of-the-box fully configurable tools and features.  

Contact us today at 800.762.2077 to jumpstart your path to enhanced connectivity and sales efficiency.


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

FINANCE: Prevent Voiding of Selected Invoices
This enhancement prevents users from voiding invoices after they have been selected for payment. If a user selects an invoice for payment and another user voids the invoice during the payment process, it can produce erroneous and duplicate records. The ACP500 programs were modified to check the status of an invoice before it can be voided. If the invoice has been selected for payment, a message is generated, and the invoice cannot be voided.

OPERATIONS: Copy Shop Order
In the Shop Order Selection program, action 3=Copy is available. This action allows copying any shop order except for flow orders or campaign orders. Instead of copying from the parent item's bill of material and routing, the new shop order’s materials and operations will be copied from the selected shop order. Note that if the existing shop order is linked to a customer order or line, this linkage will not be copied to the new shop order.

TECHNOLOGY: Group Security for ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance
Add function key / action code security to control who is authorized to create/revise/delete functions in ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance.  With added Group Security, managers can control which users are authorized to create, change and delete deliveries in ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance.

This enhancement prevents users from voiding invoices after they have been selected for payment. If a user selects an invoice for payment and another user voids the invoice during the payment process, it can produce erroneous and duplicate records. The ACP500 programs were modified to check the status of an invoice before it can be voided. If the invoice has been selected for payment, a message is generated, and the invoice cannot be voided.


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Tips: LN | Baan

FINANCE: Can accounts receivable invoices be uploaded into LN using Excel?
Yes, this is possible, by following the steps below:

1. Maintain a batch

2. ....

OPERATIONS: MPS Planned vs. MRP Planned
When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

Master Scheduled Items:

TECHNOLOGY: Are you running the latest Infor components?
Always good to stay on top of new releases for your various Infor components. Here is a list of knowledge base articles that you can check for the components listed below:

When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

  • Master Scheduled Items:

    • Master Scheduled Items are typically finished goods or service items.
    • These items receive their requirements from both Independent and Dependent demand sources.
  • Independent Demand:...

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