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Infor LX Tips, Infor LN Tips, BPCS Tips, Baan Tips, Infor M3 Tips & Infor ERP News

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Infor ERP Tips & News from the Experts

Infor LX | Infor LN | BPCS | Baan | Infor M3

LN & Baan | LX & BPCS Tip: 9 Tips for Secure Manufacturing Business Systems Through OT Cybersecurity Vulnerability Management

Infor LX, BPCS, Infor M3, Infor LN & Baan

Crossroads RMC 0 13702 Article rating: 5.0

Always happy to share a good article on protecting your business from cybersecurity threats. 

9 OT Cybersecurity Strategies To Secure Manufacturing Industries

By Will Fastiggi - Technology for Learners - January 23, 2023

Let’s delve into the details of how to secure manufacturing industries through OT cybersecurity vulnerability management. Below are some tips and tricks.

1. Implement a...

Infor LN & Baan Tip: What Data Can Be Archived or Deleted?

Kathy Barthelt 0 12904 Article rating: 5.0

From time to time, your employees need access to information related to logistical and financial transactions that have occurred in the past. Before you archive or delete this information, you must understand the need for this information. Baan and LN contain standard archiving sessions in the major modules that tend to have a high volume of historical transactions. These sessions are designed to copy historical data to the archive company, and then delete the data from the operational company.

You have three options in archiving sessions...

Infor LN & Baan Tip: Barcodes for Any Baan and Infor LN  Report – Did you know?

Kathy Barthelt 0 16657 Article rating: 5.0

Did you know that you can print 1D and 2D barcodes on any Baan or Infor LN report along with QR Codes?

Please refer to:

  • KB 22881483 for Baan
  • KB 22924522 for Infor LN

​Still, need help? Contact Crossroads RMC today and we’ll be glad to walk you through it or take care of it for you.

800.762.2077  |

Infor LN & Baan Tip: Company versus Site

Kathy Barthelt 0 17021 Article rating: 5.0

Watch this short video created by Infor which discusses the single/multi-logistic and finance concepts from Baan IV and Baan V and how that has changed in Infor LN with the introduction of Sites. With the Site concept and especially with the Job Shop by Site concept much more flexibility is provided.

Click to play Company versus Site Infor Video (16:19)

Infor LN & Baan Finance Tip: MPS Planned vs. MRP Planned

Kathy Barthelt 0 17175 Article rating: 5.0

What items should be MPS planned, and what items should be MRP planned…

Master Scheduled Items are those items that are finished goods, or service items, that receive their requirements either specifically from Independent demand, or both Dependent and Independent demand.

  • Independent Demand is...

Infor ERP Tip: Top 5 Ways Modern Analytics Reduces Spreadsheet Risk & Inefficiency

Infor LX | BPCS | Infor LN | Baan

Crossroads RMC 0 18202 Article rating: 5.0

Spreadsheets are often the tool of choice for many organizations to store and arrange information for financial planning, analytics, compliance, and more. Ironically, for many business processes that involve managing data, it creates the exact opposite effect––silos of information and inefficiency. And because it stores organizational data in a readily sharable way, there is a high risk of exposing confidential information.

Read this Infor best practice guide to discover the top five business processes that a modern data and analytics architecture can automate and deliver far more value than spreadsheet-driven techniques.

Infor Best Practice Guide: 5 Ways Modern Analytics Reduces Spreadsheet Risk and Inefficiency


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

FINANCE: Prevent Voiding of Selected Invoices
This enhancement prevents users from voiding invoices after they have been selected for payment. If a user selects an invoice for payment and another user voids the invoice during the payment process, it can produce erroneous and duplicate records. The ACP500 programs were modified to check the status of an invoice before it can be voided. If the invoice has been selected for payment, a message is generated, and the invoice cannot be voided.

OPERATIONS: Copy Shop Order
In the Shop Order Selection program, action 3=Copy is available. This action allows copying any shop order except for flow orders or campaign orders. Instead of copying from the parent item's bill of material and routing, the new shop order’s materials and operations will be copied from the selected shop order. Note that if the existing shop order is linked to a customer order or line, this linkage will not be copied to the new shop order.

TECHNOLOGY: Group Security for ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance
Add function key / action code security to control who is authorized to create/revise/delete functions in ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance.  With added Group Security, managers can control which users are authorized to create, change and delete deliveries in ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance.

This enhancement prevents users from voiding invoices after they have been selected for payment. If a user selects an invoice for payment and another user voids the invoice during the payment process, it can produce erroneous and duplicate records. The ACP500 programs were modified to check the status of an invoice before it can be voided. If the invoice has been selected for payment, a message is generated, and the invoice cannot be voided.


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Tips: LN | Baan

FINANCE: Can accounts receivable invoices be uploaded into LN using Excel?
Yes, this is possible, by following the steps below:

1. Maintain a batch

2. ....

OPERATIONS: MPS Planned vs. MRP Planned
When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

Master Scheduled Items:

TECHNOLOGY: Are you running the latest Infor components?
Always good to stay on top of new releases for your various Infor components. Here is a list of knowledge base articles that you can check for the components listed below:

When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

  • Master Scheduled Items:

    • Master Scheduled Items are typically finished goods or service items.
    • These items receive their requirements from both Independent and Dependent demand sources.
  • Independent Demand:...

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