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Infor LX Tips, Infor LN Tips, BPCS Tips, Baan Tips, Infor M3 Tips & Infor ERP News

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Infor ERP Tips & News from the Experts

Infor LX | Infor LN | BPCS | Baan | Infor M3

6 Ways Disconnected Data is Harming Your Business


Crossroads RMC 0 5445 Article rating: 5.0

Disconnected data – What is it?

no​ The spreadsheet that your warehouse manager has off to the side to track his inventory levels and expected shipments from your key suppliers.

no The email orders from your dealer portal waiting to be manually keyed into your ERP. 

Disconnected data is a set of information stored separately from the main system that is used to run your business (your ERP system). The data is valuable and lack of visibility to that data creates problems throughout the organization. Far more than you realize.

A 2023 study by enterprise automation provider Snaplogic and Vanson Bourne researchers showed the following:

Infor LN & Baan Tip: MPS Planned vs. MRP Planned

Kathy Barthelt 0 9166 Article rating: 5.0

When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

  • Master Scheduled Items:

    • Master Scheduled Items are typically finished goods or service items.
    • These items receive their requirements from both Independent and Dependent demand sources.
  • Independent Demand:...

An ERP System Review is NOT a Report Card

It's a no-judgment-review - we promise!

Kathy Barthelt 0 17665 Article rating: 5.0

report card C minusWe all remember our school days and the nervousness that we felt when it came time to get our grades. Even if we were doing well, we were still nervous. Sometimes we experienced that same nervousness when it came time for a performance review in our job. Nervousness…sometimes dread…knowing that our performance maybe was not what we wanted it to be, or others expected it to be. 

Somehow I think the feelings that we felt in our past often find ways to creep into our present. I have seen this recently when I suggested an ERP system review to one of our customers. They immediately became flustered and thought about every possible problem that they knew existed within the software and how they were currently using it.

An ERP system review or more specifically a Utilization Review is NOT a personal report card, or performance review showing how well a particular individual does his/hers/their job, nor is it an attack on the team that implemented the software. 

An ERP Utilization Review will:

Top 10 Things (you might not know) About Crossroads RMC

Crossroads RMC 0 7657 Article rating: 5.0

10.  Crossroads RMC has been in business since 1984 & has been an  partner since 1991

 9. Crossroads RMC offers functional & technical training on all versions of Infor LX, BPCS, Infor LN, and Baan and will completely tailor the training to your specific needs. 🤝🏽

 8.  Our consultants have over 1,000 years of combined experience working with manufacturers just like you! 🤓








Crossroads RMC Welcomes Robert Brown!

Crossroads RMC 0 11040 Article rating: 5.0

Crossroads RMC Welcomes Robert Brown, as a Sr. Business Consultant!
Bob brings 30+ years of shop floor and project management skills to Crossroad RMC. He is a self-starter that has progressively mastered the Manufacturing, Supply Chain, and Finance modules within Infor LX. Bob will get started with EDI/ECM set up for new trading partners and within the Supply Chain ranks. Bob is a great addition to the Crossroads RMC team, and we look forward to his leadership expertise on implementations and upgrades in the near future.

It’s mid-January and IT’S GO TIME!

Infor LX | BPCS | Infor LN | Baan

Crossroads RMC 0 11808 Article rating: 5.0

The calendar is fresh, the resolutions are made and the opportunities are endless!

So, it is time to dive right in and start tackling your to-do’s?


...Not just yet!

First, you need to take the time to think about your ERP strategy.

What’s an ERP strategy?

Tim Baker – Infor LX User Group’s Newest Board Member!

George Moroses 0 14800 Article rating: 5.0

We are proud to announce that Tim Baker, Crossroads RMC Senior Solutions Architect & Project Manager, has become a member of the Infor LX User Community Board of Directors!

Tim brings 32 years of experience to Crossroads RMC and takes pride in offering exceptional leadership and expertise to achieve the goals and objectives of his clients. It is this level of experience that will make Tim an excellent representative for the Infor LX Community going forward as a member of the board.

At Crossroads RMC, Tim serves as a Senior Solutions Architect and Project Manager for Infor LX and Infor ION implementations. He has been a Senior Manager of Software Development and Support, Senior System Analyst, and has managed software development team objectives and projects, which included planning, installation, and software modification of BPCS, Infor LX (ERP LX), I2, DC Service, and web development software. Additionally, he has managed a multitude of projects and led analysis, design, training, and development efforts across multiple ERP verticals.

Please join us in congratulating Tim and wishing him well in his efforts to help the Infor LX User Community!
Infor User Communities allow you to network with other customers and discuss any of Infor’s software solutions. 

Not currently a member of the Infor LX User Group?
The LX User Group has moved to All access requests require approval by your organization's support admin. Once you have access to, click on the Communities box, and join the LX - User Group - LX. 

Don't laugh - the average lifespan of an ERP system is 7-10 years

Crossroads RMC 0 20401 Article rating: 5.0

Don’t laugh! I know, I know…many of our customers say that after 7-10 years they are finally settling in after the implementation! We have seen many a customer stretch out the lifespan of their ERP system to 20+ years. That sounds great for the company’s bank account, but is it good for the business?

An outdated ERP system hurts your business in many ways, not just with slow performance. The best-of-breed functionality is now 2 decades old, and obsolete technology can't leverage newer technology. Lack of integration leads to siloed data that hurts communication and your internal teams feel the pain, and your customers are noticing. Poor visibility into your operations makes it nearly impossible to achieve industry-based regulatory compliance and meet financial auditing requirements. Not to mention the sheer size of Big Data that is being collected today vs. 2 decades ago or the fact that your vendor is no longer supporting your ERP version.

Let’s scrap it all and start over!...


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

Happy New Year! January is always a great time to reflect on the prior year – what went well, and what didn’t. It is also the obvious time to plan for the coming year – what do I want to accomplish and how can I best achieve my goals?

As the saying goes, “you can’t improve what you can’t measure”, so if you haven’t already, it is time to start putting processes, procedures and programs in place within your company to measure how well each department is doing against their objectives. Start to analyze your numbers and publish them internally. Where are you at currently? Where do you want to be? Seeing both sets of numbers pushes employees to hit those targets. Do this now, and you’ll be seeing positive results before you know it!  

Optimize Your Manufacturing Today!


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Tips: LN | Baan

Finance: Propagating Unused Sub-Accounts

You can use this procedure to find accounts that have a valid sub-accounts group but no corresponding general ledger chart account records. This action creates the general ledger chart account record for the account and sub-account combination. This action does not add the accounts to charts.

  1. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Finance Enterprise Group > Maintenance.
  2. Open the finance enterprise group and click the Sub Account tab.
  3. Select Actions > Propagate Unused Sub Accounts.
  4. Select the finance enterprise group and click OK.

Sub-accounts are added according to group if they have been defined on the accounts. The resulting account can be added to the charts.

Operations: Best Practices for Purchase Order Archiving / Deleting

Here are some best practices to follow if you are considering archiving or deleting purchase order data:

  • If Financials is implemented, we recommend that you do not delete order data in a fiscal year that has not yet been fully closed. This is because the GRINYA process uses information that would be deleted by this action. For best results, check whether the logistical balance for non-invoiced receipts matches the balance of the GRINYA accounts for the periods up to which you want to delete purchase order data.
  • When a purchase order is canceled, you can only delete the purchase order and the related tables. If only a purchase order line is canceled, the line can be deleted and archived.
  • Purchase contracts must be archived before purchase orders can be archived.

You cannot delete a purchase order (line) if:

  • The linked warehouse order is closed but cannot be removed.
  • The purchase order is linked to a PCS pr

 Here are some best practices to follow if you are considering archiving or deleting purchase order data:

  • If Financials is implemented, we recommend that you do not delete order data in a fiscal year that has not yet been fully closed. This is because the GRINYA process uses information that would be deleted by this action. For best results, check whether the logistical balance for non-invoiced receipts matches the balance of the GRINYA accounts for the periods up to which you want to delete purchase order data.
  • When a purchase order is canceled, you can only delete the purchase order and the related tables. If only a purchase order line is canceled, the line can be deleted and archived.
  • Purchase contracts must be archived before purchase orders can be archived.

You cannot delete a purchase order (line) if:


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