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Infor LN & Baan Tips & Tricks for TECHNOLOGY: Archiving Concept

Kathy Barthelt 0 88 Article rating: 5.0

Companies are developing procedures for entering data into an ERP system and for archiving manuals, drawings, specs, and other hard-copy documents. However, in many cases there is no defined procedures to store historical electronic data. Archiving electronic data should be an integral part of your business processes. 

Generally, archiving is the process of moving historical data from the operational environment to a special archive environment. At home, you might move old bank statements from a closet in your study to a box in the attic. At the office, you might store old hard copies of purchase orders in a room far from your own desk. Just because you no longer need the information in your daily work, does not mean you can dispose of the information. In terms of electronic data in your ERP system, archiving means moving historic data from the operational company to a special archive company; in that way, the historic data will be out of your way and safely stored. To free up disk space on your machine after you have archived the data, you can also move the historic data to an external medium.

Archiving strategy:

Infor LN & Baan Tips & Tricks for OPERATIONS: Blocking or Unblocking Warehouses

Kathy Barthelt 0 108 Article rating: 5.0

You can block a warehouse for inbound procedures, outbound procedures, or both. For example, you can block inbound and outbound procedures for a warehouse if the warehouse must be closed temporarily for inspection.

You can impose these types of blockings:

  • Full block: Full block on warehousing procedures.

  • Interactive block: Override blocking allowed except blocks on confirm shipment or confirm receipt.

If you impose a full block on inbound procedures...

Infor LN & Baan Tips & Tricks for FINANCE: Interest Invoices

Kathy Barthelt 0 68 Article rating: 5.0

You can generate interest invoices for paid invoices, partially paid invoices, and unpaid invoices. In addition, after you generate and send an interest invoice, you can generate a subsequent interest invoice for the next period.

Setting up interest invoicing: You can set up interest invoicing in Accounts Receivable and the General Ledger.
To set up interest invoicing, use these sessions:

  • Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000)

For invoice-to business partners...

Infor LX/BPCS Tips & Tricks for FINANCE: Creating Configurable Macros (CEA)

George Moroses 0 157 Article rating: 5.0

You can create new macros in the Infor LX Configurable Enterprise Financials CEA107. 

On the Macro Definition window, you define the source file and the field in which you perform an arithmetic or special operation. For example, you can create a macro to accrue sales commission based on revenue. Your source file and field are the Invoice Line History (SIL) file and the G/L revenue (ILREV) field. 

Select Functions to access the Macro Functions window, on which you define the arithmetic, character, or special operation to process against the defined source field. In the previous example of accrued sales commission, you enter an arithmetic operation of multiply (*) and an operand value for the percentage, such as 0.05 for five percent. 

Note:  Previously created user defined macros will have to be updated to include any expanded field sizes in V84. 

Infor LX/BPCS Tips & Tricks for TECHNOLOGY: Setting Up User Groups (CEA)

George Moroses 0 138 Article rating: 5.0

To utilize the Security Rules Optimization feature, a system administrator can assign security codes to 100 pre-defined user groups. User groups are created in the Group Security Maintenance (SYS603) program. All users assigned to this group possess the same level of security.   

A system administrator can assign security codes for up to 100 of the user groups. All user groups over 100 are still administered by all security reject/allow rules assigned to them but are not able to utilize the optimized process. 

Each of the security codes and access levels are assigned to user groups and are mapped to the account strings and stored in the Account Cross Reference (CEA106D1) file.   

Once security codes have been assigned, the system administrator must: 

  • Determine which level each group is allowed access.

  • Determine which segment values/account strings are assigned to which user groups.

  • Create security rules for specific segment values/account strings and assign these groups to the created rules.

  • Select the rules to be processed.  Processing can be done in either batch mode or interactively.

  • The Security Rules flag must be on in the CEA Control Parameters program before any rules are effective. 

Infor LX/BPCS Tips & Tricks for OPERATIONS: Lot Expiration Date

George Moroses 0 81 Article rating: 5.0

This feature provides a parameter that allows the user to enter expiration dates on the Inventory Transaction Posting screen, INV500, and Purchase Order Receipts screen, PUR5505, when they have received a lot controlled item that is not QMS controlled. This new field allows an expiration date to be entered and not overridden. A system parameter was added to Advanced Process Industries Parameters, API820D. When the parameter is set to Yes, a new lot expiration date is available in the Inventory Transaction Posting, INV500D2, and Purchase Order Receipts, PUR550D2, screens.


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

This feature provides the ability to enter information in the shelf life days and retest days fields for non-QMS lot controlled items, even when the QMS product is installed. The purpose of this enhancement is to allow the user to enter information for non-QMS lot controlled items even when QMS is activated in Parameters Generation, SYS800D.

In previous versions, when QMS was activated, the Shelf Life Days and Retest Days fields in Facility Planning Maintenance (MRP140) and Item Master Maintenance (INV100) were not maintainable for non-QMS lot controlled items.

FINANCE: Default Billing Reason Code from User Order Class
This enhancement allows users to define a Default Billing Reason Code by User Order Class in addition to the Base Order Class. User Order Classes provide configurability for order processing events and the documents to be printed during those events. This enhancement allows users to configure different Billing Reason Codes for each User Order Class. If no specific code is defined, the system will default to the Billing Reason Code set up for the Base Order Class.

TECHNOLOGY:  Security Manager
New LX security type "M" for an LX Security Manager. Authority is similar to that of an LX Security Office (type "S"), but without the automatic authority to execute every LX program, and without the authority to change the authorizations of Security Officers and Security Managers. Users defined as LX security managers have authority to maintain security information for users other than themselves, but are only allowed to access regular LX programs if granted authority by an LX security officer.

OPERATIONS: Track all order holds added & released
Enhancement: Order Hold Audit Functionality
This enhancement introduces an audit file to track all holds added or released for customer orders. The audit file includes details for various types of holds: credit hold, margin hold, customer hold, user hold, and credit card hold. All applications that add or release a hold now write an audit record, capturing the user, date, time, and program associated with each hold action.

A new IDF Order Hold Audit Inquiry application allows users to review holds based on various criteria:

  • Hold type
  • User
  • Specific order
  • Transactions for a customer within a date range
  • Other combinations

Additionally, the selected data can be printed if desired.


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Tips: LN | Baan

Kathy Barthelt
/ Categories: Infor LN & Baan Tips

​Infor LN & Baan Tip: Determining What Data to Archive or Delete

Ensuring access to historical logistical and financial transaction information for your employees is crucial. However, before proceeding with archiving or deletion, it's essential to evaluate the necessity of retaining this data. Baan and Infor LN (ERP LN) offer standard archiving sessions within major modules that typically handle a significant volume of historical transactions. These sessions are designed to transfer historical data to an archive company before deleting it from the operational company.

When it comes to archiving sessions, you have three primary options:

  1. Archiving and Deleting: Data is transferred to the archive company and then deleted from the operational company.
  2. Deleting: Data is directly removed from the operational company without archiving.
  3. Archiving Only: Data is moved to the archive company without deletion from the operational company.

It's important to note that options 1 and 2 result in irreversible actions. However, with option 3, where Archiving Only is selected, multiple archiving processes can be executed for previewing results.

Additionally, during archiving sessions, you can typically specify:

  • The cutoff date for the data to be archived.
  • Whether accompanying texts should also be archived.
  • Whether existing texts in the archive company should be replaced.

For more detailed information on archiving procedures, you can refer to the Baan IV and Infor LN documents provided.

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Kathy BartheltKathy Barthelt

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