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Partner News - Avalara/AvaTax for Infor LX | BPCS | LN | Baan | M3

Considering tax compliance, but not sure if it’s the right time?

We know that many businesses are facing financial difficulties and need to make hard decisions.

Our partners at Avalara are offering 90 days of free US tax automation for all new AvaTax customers. This means you can implement AvaTax into your Infor product, shopping cart, billing system, etc, without having to pay anything for three months. Learn more

Tax exempt? Avalara can automate that process too. Focus on what really matters right now, like managing cash flows, and driving revenue initiatives, and leave the tax compliance piece fully automated. 

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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

Shelf Life Days and Retest Days
This feature provides the ability to enter information in the shelf life days and retest days fields for non-QMS lot controlled items, even when the QMS product is installed. The purpose of this enhancement is to allow the user to enter information for non-QMS lot controlled items even when QMS is activated in Parameters Generation, SYS800D.

In previous versions, when QMS was activated, the Shelf Life Days and Retest Days fields in Facility Planning Maintenance (MRP140) and Item Master Maintenance (INV100) were not maintainable for non-QMS lot controlled items.

Inventory Transaction Post to G/L by Cost Type
This enhancement provides a method to post material, labor, and overhead values on inventory postings to the general ledger to meet financial reporting requirements. The solution provides an optional further breakdown of cost by cost bucket using the new G/L Cost Type.

Role-Based Security
Role-Based Security introduces Role type profiles and allows combining the use of Role profiles with the traditional LX User type security profile functionality. The new Role type profile can be defined to allow or deny access to All Products, Attention Key, Products, Programs, and Transaction Effects. Facility, Warehouse, and Company securities are still defined solely by the User profile settings and are not affected by the assignment of a Role. Where applicable, the Role authority is displayed alongside the User authority on the security profile maintenance screens making it easy to see where there are differences in authority between the User and the assigned Roles. 

When Users are assigned to Roles, security access in LX becomes a combination of authorities granted or denied by the Role, plus any User Exceptions. User Exceptions override authorities set by the Roles. A User can also be assigned to more than one Role.


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Tips: LN | Baan

Companies are developing procedures for entering data into an ERP system and for archiving manuals, drawings, specs, and other hard-copy documents. However, in many cases there is no defined procedures to store historical electronic data. Archiving electronic data should be an integral part of your business processes. 

Generally, archiving is the process of moving historical data from the operational environment to a special archive environment. At home, you might move old bank statements from a closet in your study to a box in the attic. At the office, you might store old hard copies of purchase orders in a room far from your own desk. Just because you no longer need the information in your daily work, does not mean you can dispose of the information. In terms of electronic data in your ERP system, archiving means moving historic data from the operational company to a special archive company; in that way, the historic data will be out of your way and safely stored. To free up disk space on your machine after you have archived the data, you can also move the historic data to an external medium.

Archiving strategy:

You can block a warehouse for inbound procedures, outbound procedures, or both. For example, you can block inbound and outbound procedures for a warehouse if the warehouse must be closed temporarily for inspection.

You can impose these types of blockings:

  • Full block: Full block on warehousing procedures.

  • Interactive block: Override blocking allowed except blocks on confirm shipment or confirm receipt.

If you impose a full block on inbound procedures...


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