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Infor LX Tips, Infor LN Tips, BPCS Tips, Baan Tips, Infor M3 Tips & Infor ERP News

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Infor ERP Tips & News from the Experts

Infor LX | Infor LN | BPCS | Baan | Infor M3

Anthony Etzel- Featured Speaker at inPower 2019

Anthony Etzel 0 19616 Article rating: 4.5

Infor IDF is replacing green screens for inquiries and release LX 8.4 for file maintenance. This session will show you how to use IDF over your non-LX file. 

Many Companies have IDF and are not effectively using it. This session will cover:

  • Building a business object (Intergrator) 
    • How to create a logical expression
    • How to make a field a maintainable field with IDF
  • Views 
    • How to create custom views
    • How to navigate in IDF and create search subsets

We are proud to announce the launch of quarterly Lunch & Learn webinars for BPCS & LX!

Crossroads RMC 0 24111 Article rating: No rating
  • Have a question about your BPCS/LX system and don’t know where to turn?
  • Want information about the next release of the software?

Crossroads RMC consultants are here to help!

With 250+ BPCS/LX implementations and upgrades under our name, we are the largest BPCS/LX practice in the USA. Spend 30 minutes with us and hear straight-shooting consultants talk about best practices and real-life implementation experiences.
Watch Video Now

Topics: BPCS 4.0.05CD to LX conversion from a finance point-of-view

  • Understand the benefits of LX 
  • Navigate the transition path developed through client experiences
  • Learn about the capabilities of the Crossroads RMC, LX practice

5 Steps to Getting Everyone On Board With Change

Anthony Etzel 0 25778 Article rating: 4.0

In almost every project, in every industry, I found that the management team or the project team felt that change was necessary. However, talk is cheap when the rubber meets the road. Getting people to embrace change is very challenging.

In an attempt to help realize why change is sometimes necessary for a business to survive and thrive, here is my view on change, presented for your consideration:

C: ChaosLoss of control, no clear definition of what is about to happen. How will things change? For what reason(s) do they need to change? Yes, for a period of time, you may feel like the ground beneath you isn’t solid.

H: Hostility- Will you have more work? Will you lose your job? You will be stressed, which may lead to anger?

A: AloneWhy is this happening to you? Why do you feel like you are the only one who isn’t embracing the change?

N: Nightmare - Most people are afraid of the unknown, and dread uncertainty. They go to great lengths to stay where they are to avoid going down a new path. A new path is scary.

G: Grief

How Do You Measure Success in Your Business?

Anthony Etzel 0 50557 Article rating: 5.0

Business owners may measure success in different ways – some tangible, some intangible.

In order to establish how you should measure success for your business, you need to first examine how you measure your personal success. If you are a business owner, or a part of the management team of the company you work for, ask yourself these questions to see how you measure up:

Assess personal success.

1.    Am I happy in my job?

2.    Do I have passion for what I’m doing?

3.    Do I get the desired results based on the effort I’m putting in?

4.    Am I putting forth my best effort?

5.    Am I patient and allow for sufficient time to see results?

6.    Do I get respect from my co-workers?

7.    Do I have the endurance to hang in there when things get a bit rough?

Reflect on successes and failures.

After answering these questions, do you need to make any changes? Do you still have the same ambition and drive to achieve the goal? Are you content with your work, or have you come to the conclusion that you have not done your best?

To be successful...

New Definition of Insanity: Collect data the same old way

Anthony Etzel 0 81165 Article rating: 5.0

Just because you've always done it this way doesn't mean it's the best way. The old way of doing things may get the job done, but is the job being performed efficiently, accurately, and on a timely basis?

People resist change because there is an element of fear behind change and having to learn something new. Sometimes it’s just that you’re comfortable with how things are done, and you don’t see the need to make any changes. 

Are you stuck in manual?


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

FINANCE: Prevent Voiding of Selected Invoices
This enhancement prevents users from voiding invoices after they have been selected for payment. If a user selects an invoice for payment and another user voids the invoice during the payment process, it can produce erroneous and duplicate records. The ACP500 programs were modified to check the status of an invoice before it can be voided. If the invoice has been selected for payment, a message is generated, and the invoice cannot be voided.

OPERATIONS: Copy Shop Order
In the Shop Order Selection program, action 3=Copy is available. This action allows copying any shop order except for flow orders or campaign orders. Instead of copying from the parent item's bill of material and routing, the new shop order’s materials and operations will be copied from the selected shop order. Note that if the existing shop order is linked to a customer order or line, this linkage will not be copied to the new shop order.

TECHNOLOGY: Group Security for ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance
Add function key / action code security to control who is authorized to create/revise/delete functions in ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance.  With added Group Security, managers can control which users are authorized to create, change and delete deliveries in ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance.

This enhancement prevents users from voiding invoices after they have been selected for payment. If a user selects an invoice for payment and another user voids the invoice during the payment process, it can produce erroneous and duplicate records. The ACP500 programs were modified to check the status of an invoice before it can be voided. If the invoice has been selected for payment, a message is generated, and the invoice cannot be voided.


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Tips: LN | Baan

FINANCE: Can accounts receivable invoices be uploaded into LN using Excel?
Yes, this is possible, by following the steps below:

1. Maintain a batch

2. ....

OPERATIONS: MPS Planned vs. MRP Planned
When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

Master Scheduled Items:

TECHNOLOGY: Are you running the latest Infor components?
Always good to stay on top of new releases for your various Infor components. Here is a list of knowledge base articles that you can check for the components listed below:

When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

  • Master Scheduled Items:

    • Master Scheduled Items are typically finished goods or service items.
    • These items receive their requirements from both Independent and Dependent demand sources.
  • Independent Demand:...

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