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Infor LX Tips, Infor LN Tips, BPCS Tips, Baan Tips, Infor M3 Tips & Infor ERP News

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Infor ERP Tips & News from the Experts

Infor LX | Infor LN | BPCS | Baan | Infor M3

Introducing VJES (Visual Job Execution Software)

Kathy Barthelt 0 10520 Article rating: 5.0

You would be hard-pressed to completely miss the stories in the news recently about quality issues in manufacturing. The crux of the issue has been a complete focus on production and a lack of focus on quality. Yes, it is a wonderful thing to get the goods out the door, but when you’re sacrificing quality, what good is it really?

There are specifications for production for a reason. Engineering exists for a reason. If products are not built according to exact design specifications, scrap is likely to go up, rework goes up, customer returns and/or service requests go up, and customer satisfaction and overall customer confidence in your product plummets.

Is all of that worth it to get the good out the door in the shortest amount of time possible?

Every manufacturer relies on a few core measurements to manage their operations. Measurements like efficiency, productivity, capacity, labor and equipment utilization are used by manufacturers across the globe to benchmark performance and assess the effectiveness of processes.

Quality needs to be part of that mix. Because measurements like efficiency and productivity don’t necessarily mean high quality, incorporating ways to ensure quality from the start can help to eliminate waste and rework.

Manufacturing quality is achieved through quality control using documented, repeatable, and measurable processes.

What if you could incorporate quality control in every operation, at every work center to not only ensure high-quality finished goods but also simultaneously train high-quality operators?

Introducing Crossroads’ ERP independent solution, VJES (Visual Job Execution Software)...

Top 10 Things (you might not know) About Crossroads RMC

Crossroads RMC 0 13413 Article rating: 5.0

10.  Crossroads RMC has been in business since 1984 & has been an  partner since 1991

 9. Crossroads RMC offers functional & technical training on all versions of Infor LX, BPCS, Infor LN, and Baan and will completely tailor the training to your specific needs. 🤝🏽

 8.  Our consultants have over 1,000 years of combined experience working with manufacturers just like you! 🤓








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ERP Reports: Get EXACTLY what you need when you need it for as little as $125/user/month

Crossroads RMC 0 29573 Article rating: 5.0

Everyone understands the importance of ERP reporting, but what if you’re relying on the wrong reports?

Having access to ERP data in a usable format allows for a common understanding and the ability to take action based on what the data is telling you. What do you do if the way your data is presented is not useful, or flat out wrong?

How can your reports be wrong? That would mean that the data is wrong, wouldn’t it?
Not necessarily. Reports are wrong because they are stagnant. They represent the truth ONLY at the moment they are run. If that data is shared with others within your organization, the information the report(s) is trying to convey has already changed. Decisions are then made on bad information.

LN & Baan Data Collection News – A BUSY 2nd Quarter for Crossroads RMC Data Collection!

Kathy Barthelt 0 32416 Article rating: 5.0

Crossroads RMC’s data collection implementation team was busy during the 2nd quarter of 2020 with 3 simultaneous go lives!

  1. FSB North America went live with Crossroads RMC's entire suite of warehouse management Data Collection applications for LN FP7
  2. Johnson Crushers International went live with Labor Reporting and Report Operations Complete for LN 10.6
  3. CTP/Tube Processing went live with Material Issue for LN FP6.

All installations included Crossroads RMC’s Analytics Dashboard which will be implemented to provide valuable insights into the data collection transactions performed in the warehouse and shop floor. 

Learn more about LN/Baan Data Collection - Web Collect (formerly RMC3) >
Learn more about Analytics Dashboard >

OTTO - On-Time Ordering: Q&A with an MIS Manager from a metal fabrication manufacturer

George Moroses 0 429 Article rating: 5.0

OTTO  A Q&A with an MIS Manager from a metal fabrication manufacturer:

1. How difficult was it to initially install OTTO?

"We loaded OTTO on our AS/400 on a Friday morning and demonstrated OTTO's capabilities with our own data that afternoon. That really impressed me from an IS perspective because it was so easy to load and run."

2. Would you install it on a test system or on the production system?

"We installed on the production system in order to use live data. OTTO resides outside of the ERP system and builds its own databases so it is not detrimental to any other system."

3. How difficult was it to implement OTTO, was there a negative impact on daily operations?

"Some reports were being used on the first day of the evaluation. There was only positive impact on our operation. For example, shortages in our final assembly area were eliminated within 30 days of the demonstration."


"I was greatly surprised OTTO fit so well with our operation. OTTO has worked well in our company (we substantially increased on time shipments at the same time our business was seeing a 3 fold increase), but each company has to judge for themselves how well OTTO fits in with their organization."

Contact us to learn how OTTO can help your company!

Analytics Dashboard News: What is a CFOs Biggest Concern?

Crossroads RMC 0 388 Article rating: 5.0

If you ask CFOs about their biggest concerns, most of them will tell you that increasing cash flow is a high priority.

In order to succeed at this, you have to keep an eye on your accounts receivable. Many companies, however, do not have the means or data to find out where they currently stand.

What if you could have that information at your fingertips?

Learn more about Analytics Dashboard for Infor LN/Baan >

Learn more about Analytics Dashboard for Infor LX/BPCS/M3 >

Dashboard Displays Current Production Data and Increases Production by 10-20%

Crossroads RMC 0 32471 Article rating: 5.0

Did you know that you can improve the performance of your shop floor simply by displaying how your shop floor workers are doing? Studies show that a 10-20% increase in production can be achieved by simply displaying current production data to your workers via dashboards. 

Using the Crossroads RMC's Analytics Dashboard, you can display performance metrics in a grid, graph, chart, or any way that makes sense. Learn how

Learn more about Analytics Dashboard for Infor LN/Baan >

Learn more about Analytics Dashboard for Infor LX/BPCS/M3 >


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

Users can now freeze period-end balances at the end of a fiscal period. You can now store the opening/ending on hand balance for each Inventory period at the Item (IIM), Warehouse/Item (IWI) and Lot/Location (ILI) levels. This information can then be used for inventory tracking and valuation purposes, as well as other ad hoc financial and audit reporting requirements. Infor LX clients can backdate inventory transactions into the immediate previously closed period, and thus update what was saved as the opening/ending balance throughout the current open period.

When a lot is completely shipped on a customer order, the Lot Status is changed to Z. Since a resupply order must still be received in the To Warehouse to complete the transaction, do not update the lot status when the resupply order is shipped. If a lot is completely shipped on a resupply order, LX no longer updates the lot status to Z, because the shipped lot retains its current lot status, the additional steps, no additional steps are required to receive it in the To Warehouse.


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Tips: LN | Baan

You can use a problem code to indicate that a problem exists for a sales invoice. If the invoice-to business partner notifies you about a problem with the invoice and does not pay it, you can link a problem code to the invoice.

In the direct debits procedure, problem invoices are automatically discarded. For each problem code, you can set an option to prevent linked invoices from being selected on reminder letters.

The audit server logs all database actions that change the contents of a table in so-called audit files. The Exchange module can use these audit files, which are useful in a multisite environment because the databases on all sites must have identical data. These audit files can also be used in data conversions.

Only the updates in a specific period are exchanged, which leads to an improvement in performance. Specify this period in the Export Data (Non-Regular) (daxch0233m000) and Export Data (on a Regular Basis) (daxch0234m000) sessions. Changes such as insert, update, and delete are processed and written into the ASCII files. Actions such as drop, clear, and create tables are ignored.

Audit control data is added to the resulting ASCII file. This data consists of a batchline ID, transaction ID, sequence ID, and an indicator. The control data is added at the beginning of each line and is formatted like other data fields such as the enclosing and separator characters.

An update writes two lines to the ASCII file. One line contains the key fields and old values of the updated fields. The other line contains the new values of the key fields and updated fields, even if a key field does not change.

The batchline ID is used for recognition when processing the ASCII files. The transaction and sequence IDs are used to ensure that the transactions are replayed in the same order as on the exporting site. The indicator defines the type of action that is executed on the table. Use the letter I to insert; use the letter D to delete; use the letter U to update with old values; and use the letter N to update with new values.


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