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Infor LX Tips, Infor LN Tips, BPCS Tips, Baan Tips, Infor M3 Tips & Infor ERP News

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Infor ERP Tips & News from the Experts

Infor LX | Infor LN | BPCS | Baan | Infor M3

Streamline Your Audit Process: How Crossroads RMC and Avalara Ensure Compliance and Confidence

Crossroads RMC 0 8572 Article rating: 5.0

Be Audit Ready with Crossroads RMC and Avalara

Managing reports and preparing for audits can be incredibly time-consuming and laborious. It involves extracting data from multiple sources, consolidating information, and rectifying any discrepancies. These tasks often drain resources away from revenue-generating activities.

Fortunately, Avalara offers a comprehensive solution with robust reporting capabilities, drastically reducing the time required for these processes from weeks or months to mere minutes...

Crossroads RMC + Avalara…

The BEST way to handle tax compliance

Crossroads RMC 0 12138 Article rating: 5.0


The Company:
A supplier of fabricated steel equipment to large food service firms such as Starbucks, Subway, and Walmart.

The Challenge:
This supplier needed to find a better way to handle tax compliance. The supplier’s legacy tax software was incompatible with their ERP. This led to:

  • The required upgrade to the latest Infor ERP version without having a pre-built, certified, fully-functional connector
  • The reliance upon labor-intensive, error-prone manual processes
  • Inaccurate customer addresses
  • Uncertainty around product and service taxability, as well as nexus
  • Increased audit risk

The Solution:

3+ Reasons to Invest in Automated Tax Compliance with Crossroads RMC & Avalara

Crossroads RMC 0 20346 Article rating: 5.0

Without automation, your tax professionals are buried in endless tasks that should be offloaded. Every hour spent on tax management is an hour lost on other, more important, parts of your business. Then, of course, there is the audit risk, UGH!

Crossroads RMC and Avalara provide seamless integrations to Infor LN (ERP LN), Baan, Infor LX (ERP LX), and BPCS.

Want to learn how automating tax compliance can benefit your company? Click on each success story below to find out how a partnership between your organization, Avalara, and Crossroads RMC can be a HUGE WIN for your business!...

Infor ERP Tip of the Week: 5 Steps to Managing Sales Tax

Infor LX | BPCS | Infor LN | Baan

Crossroads RMC 0 31646 Article rating: 5.0

The world of sales tax is constantly changing and can be extremely confusing, but getting it right is crucial to your company’s success. As your business evolves, your sales tax obligations may also change. Through it all, there are typically five steps involved in maintaining sales tax compliance. Review the steps below to understand your complete sales tax picture.

Step 1: Know where your business must collect...

Understanding Taxability Rules Is Key To Sales Tax Compliance

Avalara for Infor LN | Baan | Infor LX | BPCS

Crossroads RMC 0 27976 Article rating: 5.0

Product taxability may seem straightforward because there are generally only two options: taxable or exempt. Yet that seemingly simple contrast fails to truly capture the inherent complexity of sales tax compliance. In fact, it’s a multistep process that starts with determining where a business has sales tax nexus. Knowing whether the products or services one sells are taxable or exempt is critical to the compliance process, from start to finish.

The good news is that you don’t have to be a tax expert, nor do you need to stay up on the latest tax rules and regulations in each state or country where you do business. Avalara handles all of this for you and Crossroads RMC provides the integration to Infor LN, Infor LX, Baan, and BPCS to make staying compliant a no-brainer.

Want to learn more?...


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

Users can now freeze period-end balances at the end of a fiscal period. You can now store the opening/ending on hand balance for each Inventory period at the Item (IIM), Warehouse/Item (IWI) and Lot/Location (ILI) levels. This information can then be used for inventory tracking and valuation purposes, as well as other ad hoc financial and audit reporting requirements. Infor LX clients can backdate inventory transactions into the immediate previously closed period, and thus update what was saved as the opening/ending balance throughout the current open period.

When a lot is completely shipped on a customer order, the Lot Status is changed to Z. Since a resupply order must still be received in the To Warehouse to complete the transaction, do not update the lot status when the resupply order is shipped. If a lot is completely shipped on a resupply order, LX no longer updates the lot status to Z, because the shipped lot retains its current lot status, the additional steps, no additional steps are required to receive it in the To Warehouse.


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Tips: LN | Baan

You can use a problem code to indicate that a problem exists for a sales invoice. If the invoice-to business partner notifies you about a problem with the invoice and does not pay it, you can link a problem code to the invoice.

In the direct debits procedure, problem invoices are automatically discarded. For each problem code, you can set an option to prevent linked invoices from being selected on reminder letters.

The audit server logs all database actions that change the contents of a table in so-called audit files. The Exchange module can use these audit files, which are useful in a multisite environment because the databases on all sites must have identical data. These audit files can also be used in data conversions.

Only the updates in a specific period are exchanged, which leads to an improvement in performance. Specify this period in the Export Data (Non-Regular) (daxch0233m000) and Export Data (on a Regular Basis) (daxch0234m000) sessions. Changes such as insert, update, and delete are processed and written into the ASCII files. Actions such as drop, clear, and create tables are ignored.

Audit control data is added to the resulting ASCII file. This data consists of a batchline ID, transaction ID, sequence ID, and an indicator. The control data is added at the beginning of each line and is formatted like other data fields such as the enclosing and separator characters.

An update writes two lines to the ASCII file. One line contains the key fields and old values of the updated fields. The other line contains the new values of the key fields and updated fields, even if a key field does not change.

The batchline ID is used for recognition when processing the ASCII files. The transaction and sequence IDs are used to ensure that the transactions are replayed in the same order as on the exporting site. The indicator defines the type of action that is executed on the table. Use the letter I to insert; use the letter D to delete; use the letter U to update with old values; and use the letter N to update with new values.


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