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Infor LX Tips, Infor LN Tips, BPCS Tips, Baan Tips, Infor M3 Tips & Infor ERP News

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Infor ERP Tips & News from the Experts

Infor LX | Infor LN | BPCS | Baan | Infor M3


See it. Understand it. Discuss it.

Anthony Etzel 0 4097 Article rating: 5.0

Are your numbers telling the full story? Discover the power of dashboards in our recorded webinar from 5/2/2024: "Unlocking Business Insights with Dashboards" Numbers are just the tip of the iceberg; the real insights lie beneath, in the 'how' and 'why'. Imagine presenting your manager with a dashboard that not only showcases the figures but also unveils the backstory behind them. Picture revealing that the 3rd shift was short-staffed for over a week, or that a material shortage caused order fulfillment delays, or that quality issues triggered extensive rework, impacting subsequent production runs. How do you unearth all this crucial information without consulting every individual involved?

The Answer:  D A S H B O A R D S !

[Watch Video] Webinar: Business Insights Made Easy With Dashboards...

Want a way to convert IBM i ® spool files into full-color, professional forms that are output as PDF documents?

Anthony Etzel 0 26131 Article rating: 5.0

Want a way to convert IBM i ® spool files into full-color, professional forms that are output as PDF documents?

Crossroads RMC and TL Ashford can help you get there!

TLAForms provide a reliable, feature-rich, cost-effective forms solution for IBM i, with no programming required!

Contact Anthony Etzel for more info: 1.630.955.1310, x125 or

Why should you look at OTTO? Let’s see what an OTTO customer has to say:

Anthony Etzel 0 25394 Article rating: 5.0

"When first introduced to OTTO, for on-time ordering, you could not prove to me that there was a better system out there than what we already had. Boy what a big wakeup call! Being in a very option intensive business and the economy in a very flat or negative state, OTTO is the BEST tool to quickly respond to a customer’s needs TODAY. When Millions of dollars are at stake each month, we have to be better prepared to meet the task at hand with fewer people. OTTO is really doing this for us!  What normally took us hours or days to identify several indented bill of material shortages now only takes a few moments with the OTTO program. What this really means is that, we do not have to wait for MRP to run each week to plan and reschedule orders. This can be done today!  What I’m really saying is that, we can advise Purchasing and Scheduling TODAY without waiting for TOMORROW.  We are now able to ship DOLLARS this month and satisfy our CUSTOMERS. Without OTTO in some cases, the Customer would have to wait until next month and potential revenue dollars lost for the month."  Gary Hawk, Planning Manager - construction equipment

The Top 5 Benefits of a Manufacturing Execution System (MES)

by PlanetTogether

Anthony Etzel 0 28139 Article rating: 5.0

MES provides the right information at the right time to show the floor manager how to optimize current conditions to improve production output.

Need 5 more reasons why you should invest in an MES system?
Read the full article by PlanetTogether:

Clearly, an MES does more than simply track the amount of product coming off of your production lines. Improving your facility's efficiency begins with accurately recording production, material usage, and personnel time. Crossroads MES accomplishes this feat with ease and precision.

Anxious to learn more about IDF? Attend Inforum Sessions highlighting the latest and greatest updates

Anthony Etzel 0 17808 Article rating: 5.0
  • ERP242 - Product: What’s new with LX 8.4
    Learn about our latest release of LX and the value it can provide to your business. This release includes additional support for IDF, new application features, and an expanded database. Additionally, this release continues to improve through ongoing enhancements from our enhancement request system.
    Thursday, Sep 26, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM – Room 272

  • ERP243 - Product: LX—IDF Master Data Management
    Learn about the new flexibility and features available with item, cost, vendor, and customer definition through IDF during this session. Maintaining this critical information is now easier to manage and control with LX 8.4
    Wednesday, Sep 25, 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM – Room 272

  • Academy: Learn to Use IDF to Better Manage Customer, Vendor, and Item Data with LX
    Attend this session for hands-on experience using IDF to manage your critical master data in Infor LX 8.4. (Length: 1hr & 45mins) 
    Wednesday, Sep 25, 1:00 PM - 02:45 PM – Room 277

  • ERP106C - Case Study: Trinity—Upgrading a 20-Year-Old Customized ERP system
    Join this session to learn why and how Trinity is upgrading its customized 20-year-old BPCS ERP system to the latest version of LX and going vanilla. Trinity is using the best business practices built into LX along with Infor OS and IDF to support the latest user experience and integrations.
    Wednesday, Sep 25, 2:00 PM - 02:45 PM – Room 272

Theme picker

Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

FINANCE: Prevent Voiding of Selected Invoices
This enhancement prevents users from voiding invoices after they have been selected for payment. If a user selects an invoice for payment and another user voids the invoice during the payment process, it can produce erroneous and duplicate records. The ACP500 programs were modified to check the status of an invoice before it can be voided. If the invoice has been selected for payment, a message is generated, and the invoice cannot be voided.

OPERATIONS: Copy Shop Order
In the Shop Order Selection program, action 3=Copy is available. This action allows copying any shop order except for flow orders or campaign orders. Instead of copying from the parent item's bill of material and routing, the new shop order’s materials and operations will be copied from the selected shop order. Note that if the existing shop order is linked to a customer order or line, this linkage will not be copied to the new shop order.

TECHNOLOGY: Group Security for ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance
Add function key / action code security to control who is authorized to create/revise/delete functions in ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance.  With added Group Security, managers can control which users are authorized to create, change and delete deliveries in ILM501 Inbound Delivery Maintenance.

This enhancement prevents users from voiding invoices after they have been selected for payment. If a user selects an invoice for payment and another user voids the invoice during the payment process, it can produce erroneous and duplicate records. The ACP500 programs were modified to check the status of an invoice before it can be voided. If the invoice has been selected for payment, a message is generated, and the invoice cannot be voided.


Theme picker

Tips: LN | Baan

FINANCE: Can accounts receivable invoices be uploaded into LN using Excel?
Yes, this is possible, by following the steps below:

1. Maintain a batch

2. ....

OPERATIONS: MPS Planned vs. MRP Planned
When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

Master Scheduled Items:

TECHNOLOGY: Are you running the latest Infor components?
Always good to stay on top of new releases for your various Infor components. Here is a list of knowledge base articles that you can check for the components listed below:

When deciding what items should be MPS (Master Production Schedule) planned and what items should be MRP (Material Requirements Planning) planned, it's crucial to understand the nature of the items and their demand sources. Here's a breakdown:

  • Master Scheduled Items:

    • Master Scheduled Items are typically finished goods or service items.
    • These items receive their requirements from both Independent and Dependent demand sources.
  • Independent Demand:...

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