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Crossroads RMC is proud to introduce our new Production Order Variance Reports package for Infor LN

Kathy Barthelt 0 32911 Article rating: 5.0

The package includes numerous reports and sessions to view the variances in a way that Finance can identify problems based on the Finance Integration Transactions in the General Ledger.

There are a few main sessions with many detailed sessions linked to them. The reports can be run from the main Print Production Order Variance Reports or in the individual detailed session.

Sessions included in the report package:

1. Print Finalized Trans – Variance Reports.

a. Financial Trans. by L/Acct – Prod. Order Variances - Recap

b. Financial Trans. by L/Acct – Prod. Order Variances – Details

2. Update Production Order Variances (updates special variance table).

3. Production Order Variance Overview – Main view

a. Production Order Variance Details

b. Price Variance Details – Material Variances

c. Price Variance Details – Operation Variances

d. Efficiency Variance Details – Material Variances

e. Efficiency Variance Details – Operation Variances

f. Efficiency Variance Details – Reject Variances

g. ACO Variance Details – Reject Variances

h. Accept Production Order Variances

i. Un-accept Production Order Variances

j. Finally Accept Production Order Variances

4. Print Production Order Variance Reports:

a. Production Order Variance – Overview

b. Production Order Price Variance – Material Revaluation

c. Production Order Price Variance – Operation Revaluation

d. Production Order Efficiency Variance – Material

e. Production Order Efficiency Variance – Operation

f. Production Order Efficiency Variance – Rejects

g. Production Order ACO Variance – Rejects-Additional Costs

5. Delete Production Order Variances (used to redo a month)

Contact Kathy Barthelt to learn more.


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

Role-Based Security introduces Role type profiles and allows combining the use of Role profiles with the traditional LX User type security profile functionality. The new Role type profile can be defined to allow or deny access to All Products, Attention Key, Products, Programs, and Transaction Effects. Facility, Warehouse, and Company securities are still defined solely by the User profile settings and are not affected by the assignment of a Role. Where applicable, the Role authority is displayed alongside the User authority on the security profile maintenance screens making it easy to see where there are differences in authority between the User and the assigned Roles. 

When Users are assigned to Roles, security access in LX becomes a combination of authorities granted or denied by the Role, plus any User Exceptions. User Exceptions override authorities set by the Roles. A User can also be assigned to more than one Role.


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Tips: LN | Baan

When the originating order or order line of an outbound order line is canceled or changed, this affects the outbound order line and may impact the related outbound advice, shipments, or shipment lines.

For most order origins, warehousing order-type parameters determine whether these actions are allowed:

  1. Update the outbound order line if the originating order is changed.
  2. Cancel the originating order line and the outbound order line.
  3. Delete the canceled outbound order line.

Updating Outbound Order Lines

  • Allowed:

A serialized item is a physical occurrence of a standard item that is given a unique lifetime serial number. This enables tracking of the individual item throughout its lifetime, for example, through the design, production, testing, installation, and maintenance phases. A serialized item can consist of other serialized components.

In Service, a serialized item can be a customer-specific or owner-specific installation. Installation groups are a group of installations/serialized items such as photocopiers, computers, air conditioners, forklifts, lathe machines, and even aircraft.

A serialized item is identified by both the item code and serial number. You can set up the mask used to generate the serial numbers so the serial number includes some fields of the item data, such as the item group and the manufacturer.

In a multi-company structure, the companies can share the serialized item data. All the service departments in the various companies can refer to the same serialized items.

The serialized item can originate from a sales order or a project. The details of a serialized item indicate their origin, for example, by using specific sets of serial numbers for items that originate from sales orders and from projects. Serialized items can also originate from an as-built structure or directly from the production bill of material in Manufacturing.

In Service...


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