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Infor LX | Infor LN | BPCS | Baan | Infor M3

Infor LX & BPCS Tip of the Week: ION Tip – Pausing Receiving and Sending of Messages

Anthony Etzel 0 36397 Article rating: 5.0

If it is necessary to pause sending and receiving of BOD messages on your IBM i during your month end process, it is best practice for the document flows that point to the IBM i to guarantee delivery of BOD messages. Once the month end process has been completed, you will need to Resume the ‘Receiving’ and ‘Sending’ Active Connection Points so your documents will continue to process.

Pausing Sending messages

To pause sending messages to ION:

  1. Select Connect > Active Connection Points.
  2. Select the connection point that must be paused for sending messages.
  3. In the Sending Paused column, click Pause. The page is automatically refreshed and the Sending Paused checkbox is selected. A Resume button becomes available. 

Sending of messages by this connection point is stopped....

3 Essential Tactics to Increase Efficiency on the Manufacturing Floor

Crossroads RMC 0 50765 Article rating: No rating

From John O'Kelly's article on

"Regardless of industry, efficiency gains and increased speed provide a competitive edge. The ever-increasing competition in the manufacturing world makes it necessary to find new, efficient ways to speed up the process while remaining accurate and productive. While flying robots and miracle technologies may promise to reshape the industry, we still have a way to go until full automation, and thus the most important asset on the manufacturing floor in 2019 will remain its people.

In 2019, the focus will undoubtably be increasing efficiencies, and this can be achieved through investing in employees, equipping them with the proper techniques and tools. An invested labor force will limit mistakes on the manufacturing floor and improve throughput at every level of the process."

Here are a few best practices to increase efficiency on the manufacturing floor in 2019:

  1. Invest in your labor force
  2. Prioritize quality assurance
  3. Improve labeling errors

You can read the full article with detailed descriptions at:

Optimize Your Manufacturing Today!


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Tips:  LX | BPCS | M3

Happy New Year! January is always a great time to reflect on the prior year – what went well, and what didn’t. It is also the obvious time to plan for the coming year – what do I want to accomplish and how can I best achieve my goals?

As the saying goes, “you can’t improve what you can’t measure”, so if you haven’t already, it is time to start putting processes, procedures and programs in place within your company to measure how well each department is doing against their objectives. Start to analyze your numbers and publish them internally. Where are you at currently? Where do you want to be? Seeing both sets of numbers pushes employees to hit those targets. Do this now, and you’ll be seeing positive results before you know it!  

Optimize Your Manufacturing Today!


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Tips: LN | Baan

When the originating order or order line of an outbound order line is canceled or changed, this affects the outbound order line and may impact the related outbound advice, shipments, or shipment lines.

For most order origins, warehousing order-type parameters determine whether these actions are allowed:

  1. Update the outbound order line if the originating order is changed.
  2. Cancel the originating order line and the outbound order line.
  3. Delete the canceled outbound order line.

Updating Outbound Order Lines

  • Allowed:

A serialized item is a physical occurrence of a standard item that is given a unique lifetime serial number. This enables tracking of the individual item throughout its lifetime, for example, through the design, production, testing, installation, and maintenance phases. A serialized item can consist of other serialized components.

In Service, a serialized item can be a customer-specific or owner-specific installation. Installation groups are a group of installations/serialized items such as photocopiers, computers, air conditioners, forklifts, lathe machines, and even aircraft.

A serialized item is identified by both the item code and serial number. You can set up the mask used to generate the serial numbers so the serial number includes some fields of the item data, such as the item group and the manufacturer.

In a multi-company structure, the companies can share the serialized item data. All the service departments in the various companies can refer to the same serialized items.

The serialized item can originate from a sales order or a project. The details of a serialized item indicate their origin, for example, by using specific sets of serial numbers for items that originate from sales orders and from projects. Serialized items can also originate from an as-built structure or directly from the production bill of material in Manufacturing.

In Service...


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