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Conversion of SiM Tasks for WFi Workflows

Anthony Etzel 0 34200 Article rating: 5.0

This enhancement simplifies access to LX programs that are available through System i Manager (SiM), as well as Workflow for System I (WFi). This provides an easy way to promote common WFi business processes from one LX environment (for example, test or environment) to another LX environment (for example, production). 

LX also provides a set of four-character task codes that can be used within SiM, System i Workspace (SiW), and WFi, for default programs in LX. These predefined LX task codes begin with 0,1,2,3, or 4. Users can specify task codes for their custom programs that are flagged as valid menu options in LX, but these task codes cannot begin with 0,1,2,3, or 4. Users can specify the task codes in Infor LX Object Master Maintenance, SYS625D. This enhancement provides simplified access to LX programs that are flagged as valid menu options in System i Manager and Workflow for System i environments. In SYS625D, The user can also specify task codes in SYS625D for customized programs that are flagged as valid menu options.

3 Essential Tactics to Increase Efficiency on the Manufacturing Floor

Crossroads RMC 0 49474 Article rating: No rating

From John O'Kelly's article on

"Regardless of industry, efficiency gains and increased speed provide a competitive edge. The ever-increasing competition in the manufacturing world makes it necessary to find new, efficient ways to speed up the process while remaining accurate and productive. While flying robots and miracle technologies may promise to reshape the industry, we still have a way to go until full automation, and thus the most important asset on the manufacturing floor in 2019 will remain its people.

In 2019, the focus will undoubtably be increasing efficiencies, and this can be achieved through investing in employees, equipping them with the proper techniques and tools. An invested labor force will limit mistakes on the manufacturing floor and improve throughput at every level of the process."

Here are a few best practices to increase efficiency on the manufacturing floor in 2019:

  1. Invest in your labor force
  2. Prioritize quality assurance
  3. Improve labeling errors

You can read the full article with detailed descriptions at:

Optimize Your Manufacturing Today!

Tip of the Week: What is Your M.O.?

Kathy Barthelt 0 37409 Article rating: No rating

I’m not talking “Modus Operandi,” which is a fancy way to say: “what’s your plan to get stuff done”.  I’m talking about Manufacturing Optimization. 

It is all about efficiency, and by that I mean doing more with less. Less labor, less time, less materials, while still delivering a high quality product on time.

The Three Secrets to Improving your MO

1. Identify the key metrics
You need benchmark data so you know what realistic goals are, then track them and publish your performance along with a brief comment from time to time on how things are trending and how you compare with others, particularly your primary competitors. The best thing about this is that it is a system that develops a life of its own.

2. Measure it
Automatically, people start to think about improving things. Then the fun part, stuff begins to improve by itself. Once in place, the system just hums along and the benefits appear, because it has motivated people to think about it, and figure out what they can do to make it better.

3. Communicate it
So if you publish gross profit numbers, explain to people how what they do affects the numbers. Employees tend to start to modify their behavior as a result, and look more critically at whether a given purchase is even necessary.

Optimize Your Manufacturing Today!

April 25th 2018 -LUNCH & LEARN WEBINAR FOR Baan & LN

NAZDAQ's B2Win Suite: Giving You Maximum Control Over Your ERP Output

Kathy Barthelt 0 28299 Article rating: 5.0

Lunch & Learn Webinar for Baan & LN! 

- Giving You Maximum Control Over Your ERP Output -

NAZDAQ's B2Win Suite is the output management platform that every company needs in conjunction with its ERP system. This innovative product helps companies improve internal reporting and outbound communications.

Register today to learn how each core application is integrated into your system’s infrastructure to expand functionality, automation and improve business efficiency.

Here are a few features: 

  • Can be hosted on-premise or in cloud
  • Works with all Baan / Infor® LN versions and Mingle
  • Comes ready to work with various enterprise systems (ERP, CRM, SCM, etc.)
  • Connects with various multiple enterprise systems simultaneously (CRM, ERP, etc.)
  • Transform your ERP into different formats
  • Design completely custom formatting


Join us for 45 minutes: 

Watch Recorded Webinar

Improve Profit and Cut Costs at the Same Time

Crossroads RMC 0 33609 Article rating: No rating

Want to Improve Profit and Cut Costs at the Same Time?

“Real-time executives averaged a 14% improvement in operating cash flow and achieved a 6% reduction in operating costs” According to the Aberdeen Group.

So, how do you accomplish this great feat? By streaming real-time data to the executives.

The need for visibility into what is happening in the trenches, and the comprehensive understanding of key metrics and their implications for overall performance, are critical for an organization to be at the “top of their game”.   read full article>

Learn how Crossroads RMC can provide for this data streaming with Analytics Dashboards.


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